Tag Archives: photography

Sand Dunes

I have now been to the Great Sand Dunes National Park in all seasons and at different times of day. It fascinates me how each time has been different. This is what makes Photography interesting to me. No matter how many times you use the same subject matter, you can always find something different.

dunes at Dusk HDR flat Dunes at Sunset flat dunes at Sunset tinted flat

Lightning Strikes

Last night on our way back from Colorado Springs from a Marriage Weekend. The weather was weird. In the beginning it was snowing and as we got closer to home it began to Lightning in our valley. I’ve never experienced snow flurries and Lightning before. Quite Weird. Anyway we stopped on the side of the road and attempted to capture some images of lightning. I have to admit that I was quite jealous of my wife’s images, but to see her excitement was PRICELESS!!!lightning flat lightning strike flat Lightning w Car streak flat