Simple Elegance

I find simple elegance in taking pictures of wild flowers, it often reminds me God’s creativity and that He will always take care of us.

And Why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God Cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you.



A Daddy Post

This was from my wife’s blog A New Kind Of Normal.

It is interesting to see something written by Andy. He’s a man of few words usually so when he has something to say, I listen… or read as the case my be. I don’t get many glimpses into the mind of a father but here is a little something from Andy for his girls and anyone who is a father.

At the end of the work day my father would come home to a son waiting at the top of the stairs, waiting to jump into his arms. An intimate moment with a father and son. A moment of complete trust from a son who knows his father will not drop him. Those moments of my childhood are a distant memory, but I always remember my father taking a few moments of this day to show me love.

As a father of two girls, I want to have the same intimate moments with them to let them know they are loved.

My youngest daughter loves to sit on my lap. My legs make the perfect throne for a princess. My oldest is always presenting me with her scratches and booboos. I have the band aids and medicine ready. I’m not waiting for the big moments to show love. I’m doing my best to show it in every little moment that is just as important and that builds the trust for the big events.

Our Heavenly Father wants that same relationship with us. He is waiting at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for us to jump. His lap is open for us to sit on. He is waiting with band aids and medicine for us to come to him.

Oh, what a sweet husband I have…